Send us your truth.
We want the stories, essays and articles that scared you the most to write. Send us your true self on the page – all we ask is that your perspective aligns with our intersectional feminist values. We are committed to promoting and developing marginalised voices.
You can read more about our values in our mission statement
Submissions are closed.
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We want to read your most impactful short stories and flash fiction. The story can be on any subject, but we love reading work that has a unique point of view, for example: Catkins by Eva He, The Witching Hour by Aisling Walsh and Oatman by Inés G. Labarta.
There is no set word limit, but anything over 6,000 words is unlikely to be published.
Mental Health
Send us the essays and creative nonfiction that will open our eyes to the truth about trauma and mental health. We want to promote awareness and healing. Strong examples: Reclaiming blood by Katie Oliver and How to make the most of microdosing by Christina Hennemann.
There is no set word limit, but anything over 4,000 words is unlikely to be published.
We’re interested in bold, honest nonfiction exploring the day-to-day lives of women and marginalised people, filtered through the lens of personal experience. Strong examples: On the table by Sarah Bradley and Gazing gently by Leilia Dore.
There is no set word limit, but anything over 4,000 words is unlikely to be published.

How to submit
✔ All submissions must be written in English (translations welcome).
✔ We do not accept poetry submissions (in any category) or academic writing.
✔ Submit one piece at a time, as a .doc/.docx file, attached to your email. If you have already published work with us, please allow a gap of six months (from the date your piece went live on the site) before submitting again.
✔ We don’t mind if your story has appeared elsewhere, but please make sure you get permission to re-publish the piece from the journal or publication in which it appeared.
✔ Submissions are free, but you can make a payment to receive editorial feedback on your piece. To receive feedback, please click the banner below to complete your payment. Make sure to mention your payment in your email submission, including your order number.
✔ Submissions should be sent to submissions@orangesjournal.com (only during open submissions periods).
✔ In the subject line and document name please write the category, title and your name (or pen name if applicable) e.g. LIFESTYLE, ‘The girlboss tragedy of Shiv Roy’, Jade Green
✔ If the work is triggering or requires a content warning, please indicate this in your email, or on the document itself.
✔ Within the main body of the email, briefly describe how your perspective aligns with our intersectional feminist values, along with any other information you deem relevant. If you fail to do this, your submission will not be read and you will not receive a reply from us.
✔ We aim to get back to you as quickly as possible, but please allow up to eight weeks for a response.
Privacy notice
Your data (including your name, email address and any identifying information within your submission email) will be used for the purposes of processing your submission, and contacting you after it has been processed. The data will not be shared with anyone outside the organisation, and will be deleted from our archive after 12 months. You can contact us at any time using submissions@orangesjournal.com to request deletion of your data.