

  • 'The feedback I received from oranges journal was exactly what I needed. They were encouraging, but also told me the things I need to work on with some really practical, helpful advice. And the feedback was friendly, so they made me feel that I could submit to them again.'

    Mo, fiction writer

  • 'oranges took my writing seriously when I was only starting to dare to do so myself. They were really generous with their feedback, providing substantive comments about the contents and structure, as well as a final edit on the grammar. And every suggestion was explained, so that I could learn from the experience.'

    Sarah, mental health writer

  • 'The feedback from oranges journal was excellent. I think I was always aware that the ending of my flash was too abrupt. The editor confirmed this, outlined the strengths of the piece and advised “a story will be as long as it needs to be”.'

    Debbie, fiction writer